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BACKGROUND OF STUDY: The federal ministry of finance was established in 1958 by the finance (control and management) ordinance, to replace the finance department.  The ordinance conferred on the ministry the responsibility for the control and management of the public finance of the federation.  In the 1080, attempts were made to re-organize the finance ministry either by existing some of its departments or ceding others to it.  For example, in 1980 Budget office became an extra Ministerial Department under the executive office of the president and headed by a special Adviser to the president on Budget matters from 1987, the Budget office functioned once again under the ministry of finance and was surprised by its own merged with the ministry of National planning to form the office of Budget and planning in the presidency under ministry of state.  Then in 1991, the Budget office was excised again from the ministry of budget and planning and returned to the ministry of finance where it is to date.

In the case of the customs, it was a department in the ministry of finance until 1985 when it was transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affair where it was managed under the customs, immigration and prisons services board,  however, in 1992, customs was returned to the jurisdiction of the ministry of finance.

The revenue department is made up of three division namely Revenue Division, Petroleum Division and Research and Statistic Division.  Given this background, the function of the department include monitoring, analyzing and reporting of the revenue inflow as from oil and non-oil revenue source.

In addition, the federal ministry of finance carries out revision exercise on monthly and quarterly basis, in respect of revenue from the sources (customs and excise including levies, company income tas, federal government independent revenue earned by Ministry / Parastatal and operating surplus from major government parastatals.
